Being Open to Transform and Change

Compass Organizing Before & Afters.png

I decided to clean a few windows with my husband’s help today, and while we were doing this task, I had so many thoughts running through my mind!

I couldn’t see through the window because of the dust and grime, so I made the decision to do something about it. I realized I had been tolerating this for a long time!

But, I needed help; and I had to ask for the help I needed. I became willing to make “the request,” and it worked out because my husband was willing to do this task together. If he wasn’t able, then I would have to make a plan B. Sometimes, life is like that, we may need a Plan A, B or C.

Now, in all honesty, I don’t like doing tasks such as this, but I had been tolerating it for a long time. I had to also change the way I was thinking...

I decided to use gratitude as another strategy. I focused on being grateful!

  • Grateful that I had a window in a home to clean.

  • Grateful that my husband was willing to do it together.

  • Grateful that I could see the before and after of the work we completed.

  • Grateful that I am willing to change and grow because we did this with our Norwex Enviro Cloth and Window cloth that does the job with only water.

  • Grateful that I have access to clean running water.

Wow, what an amazing experience!

My take away from this morning of cleaning only two windows is:

  • Identify the things you are tolerating.

  • Be open to getting up and taking action.

  • Be open to asking for help, or make another plan.

  • Be open to doing the work.

  • Be open to using new products like Norwex, something so different.

  • Be open to gratitude.

This is what connecting with a life coach can do for you! What have you been tolerating and would like to change?

Sorry, I probably won’t be able to come and help clean your windows, but I can certainly coach you through some of your life span development and transformation!


Living in the 2020 Pandemic


Responding to Requests